Congratulations! We are sure you’re excited to share the good news. Here are some fun and totally creative ways to break the news when you’re ready to do your baby pregnancy announcement.
We have asked some friends, families and UC Baby clients. Read about their experiences.
To Your Spouse/Partner:
- Pregnancy Kit on the Bathroom Counter
“I left the pregnancy kit showing the “pregnant” result at the bathroom counter. I watched with amusement as my partner picked up the kit and tried to understand if he was reading it correctly.” – Sophia - Most Welcome Invitation
“I got UC Baby Heartbeat Bear with a little card that has the date of our 3D ultrasound appointment. It said: “May 10, 2015. You are invited to see me, Daddy.” – Emma - Baby on Board
“I bought a “Baby-On-Board” sign and left it on the windshield after hubby went to bed. He had the best morning surprise when he was getting the car ready to leave for work.” – Olivia - Flowers for Celebration
“I handed him my home-made Baby Bouquet, arranged in a baby bottle. He asked: “What’s the occasion?” He only realized it after I let him hold the bouquet. That’s when he realized that it was not a flower vase!” — Isabella - Dinner for 3
“I took my husband to dinner. When the waiter came to take our orders, I asked “Do you have a Special Kid’s Menu for us? I would only order from the kid’s menu. You see, that’s what’s best for my condition…” I smiled mischievously at my husband, “Right, hon?….it’s best for our new member of the family..” He was overwhelmed with delight. The other people in the restaurant heard about the pregnancy announcement and offered their congratulations to us as well! — Mia - Filled with Excitement
“I bought a number of pink and blue balloons to significantly catch attention as one walked in the bedroom. I waited in the bedroom until my hubby arrived from work. I had my iPhone ready to record that moment of surprise. Such a precious moment to have caught the look on his face!” – Lily - Grocery List:
I asked my partner to quickly run to the grocery store. I handed him a list of vegetable items to buy – all with the word “baby” — baby carrots, baby golden beets, baby turnips, and baby zucchini. At the end, I wrote: “Cooking Roasted Baby Vegetables for Daddy! — Emily - Daddy Shirts
“I bought those “I Love Daddy” baby shirts and put it on this large Mickey Mouse stuffed toy. I put the stuffed toy on the couch where my husband sits to watch tv. It was such a pleasant surprise that awaited him.” — Natalie - By Two Feet:
“I bought a pair of baby shoes and put it inside the shoe box with one piece of my partner’s shoes and one piece of my favorite pumps. I put a small card with a message: “Our family is growing by 2 feet.” I wrapped the box and had the hubby open it.” – Chloe
Announcing it To the Family:
- “We bought a few albums (one for each set of grandparents) and on the first page we added the ultrasound photo along with the announcement “Baby McMillan arriving June 2015”
- “We gave family members our favorite UC Baby’s 3D ultrasound photo in a frame with messages like “For my Grandma/Grandpa”, “For my Aunt.”
- We gifted them with a UC Baby Heartbeat Bear. The recording of our baby’s own heartbeat made this gift so precious.”
- “We showed up at a family get-together with our parents wearing a matching Mom-To-Be and Dad-To-Be t-shirt.”
- “We took photos of our older kids holding a sign “Big BROTHER” or “Big SISTER. We posted it on Instagram and Facebook.”
“We put pair of baby shoes together with our favorite shoes and took a photo of it. We texted a copy of that photo to our close families and friends.”
- “We updated our Facebook profile picture with our baby’s UC Baby 3D photo with a caption: “Who does he/she look like?”
- “We sent emails with “Coming Soon” on the subject line and with huge font, we put the due date on the body of email. We received interesting replies and reactions from our close families and friends.
- We organized a lunch get-together at our home. We served baby-themed cupcakes for dessert, with a little piece of paper arranged as a flag on a toothpick. On the paper it said: “ See you on Aug 15, 2015”
- “We gave our parents customized cups with “Best Grandma / Grandpa” messages on them.”
Memorable, Fun, and Creative Pregnancy – Baby Announcement Stories from our Mother’s Day Contest Participants:
My boyfriend and I made custom fortune cookies for the reveal. They came in the mail and we had a couple different sayings on them that made sense to whoever was getting them: “you’re going to be a grandpa, aunt, etc. ” I have a sister who is significantly younger than I am (she is 8), and she was so cute when she read hers because she had to make a toast before reading her fortune cookie. After reading she asked my mom who would have to be pregnant for her to be an aunt and my mom was so confused. It was so cute and everyone kept their fortunes and put it in a photo album waiting for the picture of the ultrasound.
— Kamryn H. | Winnipeg, MB
For Easter we bought some baby gear, soothers etc, and wrapped them all up and gave them as a gift to our parents. They were so shocked and asked us what it was for, and we told them it’s so they are ready to have sleepovers with our baby when he/she arrives. My mom threw the gift bag in the air and started crying!
— BillieJean H. | Bedford, N.S.
I had come up with a perfect plan to surprise my husband as soon as I found out we were expecting. I unfortunately had to wait just over a year before being able to surprise him, since we had to deal with unforeseen fertility problems. The wait was well worth it though, and made announcing the pregnancy that much more special. The announcement plan went something like this:
Step #1 – Buy a book titled “Dude, You’re Going To Be A Dad!”
Step # 2 – Save a shipping box with his name already on the label, and carefully pack the book into that box.
Step # 3 – When hubby’s at work, place the box into our mailbox so he can retrieve it once he returns home
Step # 4 – Pretend you have no idea what could be in the box, and film his reaction once he opens it and reads the book title. Everything went surprisingly well, and we now have a video and memory we’ll both cherish forever.
— Eryka P. | Petawawa, ON
I had an appointment to discuss having my tubes tied. After having complications with my first pregnancy and the baby having potters syndrome and passing away, and my daughter Emily only having 1 kidney……i figured my time having children was over. Both our children are 8. I made the appointment to get my tubes tied. After explaining my recent symptoms she decided to send me for blood work…… who knew I’m pregnant!
–Stephanie | Sydney, NS
On Easter weekend my husband, daughter and I cleaned out, painted and placed messages in one dozen eggs, each one with a different message for each separate household in our families. One by one, throughout the weekend each family got to crack open their carefully painted eggs that said things like “Somebunny’s Eggspecting!” or “Hip hop hurray, a baby’s on the way!” We’ve never had so much fun spreading such exciting, anticipated and welcomed news. Lucky family, lucky baby.
— Venessa D. | Halifax, NS
I realized I was pregnant right before Christmas 2015 but I kept the news to myself until February 2016. On Valentine’s Day 2016, my family and I went to eat at our favorite restaurant. After the meal, I had the waitress bring out ice cream sundaes for our two young children and my husband. On top of each child’s sundae was a little sign saying “Big Sister, again” & “Big Brother“. On my husband’s sundae was a sonogram picture. They were all so excited and it was a perfect moment.
— Annie | Regina, SK
My favorite part about announcing this pregnancy was being excited to tell our parents, not nervous and scared because we were so young when we had our first. So this time around instead of shaking and throwing a bunch of pregnancy tests at my mom, we got to make it fun and exciting. We took a family picture and gave it to my parents with a little note inside that said: “Buying this frame $15, printing this picture $5, seeing your face when you realize there’s four of us in the picture…priceless.”
— Samantha | Edmonton, AB
After having a boy (2) and a girl (8) at home already we were very excited to find out the gender of our tie-breaker baby! We were elated to find out from our local UC Baby location that we were having another little girl. We decided to tell our daughter by putting a pair of boys Robeez in a box to tease her when she opened it (she really wanted a sister). To our surprise she was VERY excited when she opened the box to find boy shoes; we were shocked as well by her reaction. We had to tell her that it was actually a girl – she said “oh okay”… and asked to go jump on the trampoline!
— Aly S. | Saskatoon, SK
To announce our pregnancy we created an “Eviction Notice” for our son and posted it on his crib and then snapped a photo of him crying in his crib.
— Jennifer F. | Calgary, AB
I found out the 26th of Nov I was pregnant after a loss in August. I had secret belly photos taken while at a christmas family photograph..I kept a secret from everyone until Dec 25th where my husband open a box where he thought was a brand new Playstation 4 – inside was a smaller box with a onesie stating Player 4 coming July 2016 and a picture of us all and no one realising I was pointing to my belly.
— Brittany | Winnipeg, MB
My fiancee and I came to UC Baby on April 16, 2016 We had the staff write our results on a piece of paper and put it in an envelope, and we brought it home not knowing what to expect. We had a photoshoot done that revealed the baby’s gender with balloons popping out of a box, and we have the snapshots to remember these memories forever. The only person who knew was the photographer. We couldn’t have asked for a better way to know, and how our reactions are true and in the moment.
— Jon C. | Spaniard’s Bay, NL
Well we decided to wait until we were 12 weeks before we told anyone, even our other kids. Our 12-week mark just so happened to fall on Valentine’s Day so we made a big deal with the kids and they loved it. Then we weren’t sure how to tell the rest of our families the exciting news. Easter wasn’t far off so we decided to make up Easter cards from the family. The front had a picture of all of us with a happy Easter message and a blurp “turn over for an Easter surprise”. The back had our 14-week ultrasound picture and said “We are so egg-cited to finally spill the beans…Arriving August 2016”. We thought it was a cute play on the Easter theme. Everyone seemed to love it!
— Rhea M. | Cambridge, ON
We don’t really have an announcement story as such, since we were told initially that we wouldn’t be able to keep our baby due to a medical complication with Mommy. I fought for our baby and opted for surgery at 17 weeks and our announcement turned out to be the greatest…we are having our little girl in July, 2016!!
— Vanessa | Lumsden
After many years of sacrifice and issues concieving I had asked my husband for a baby for my birthday, low and behold by Feb 22 I was 6 weeks pregnant! This will be our one and only baby but we are so incredibly happy. When I was 12 weeks just a week away from my formal ultrasound we had a dental appointment, on the way our car was hit by an erratic and confrontational driver, the driver tried to leave the scene but my husband being a police officer took control while I called the police, scared that the stress of the accident could harm my baby we had an ambulance come and take me to the hospital. My husband met me there and we got to see our baby for the first time, wiggling and healthy! That night we couldn’t help but tell our entire family and friends, we included the story for extra intrigue in the reveal!
— Joanna D. | Chilliwack, BC
We let our 2 year old do the work for us on announcing to the whole family that we are expecting another child. We had him wore a shirt that says promoted to Big Brother while we FaceTime our family. He was running around in the background while we talk to my mom and dad and my mom finally clued in. She was like what does your shirt say Ryan? Oh wait a minute! Are you really going to be a big brother?? And she just started shouting and laughing and crying lol all mixed emotions but mostly super Happy to learn they will be grandparents again.
— Raissa H. | Leduc County
I had a onesie made for our son and a bandana for our new puppy that read Big Brother duty begins December 2016! We sent this to our family and friends to announce the news of baby #2.
— Kaitlyn B. | Halifax, NS
I secretly purchased a “big brother” t-shirt for my oldest son, along with 2 balloons (one pink, one blue). When my husband came home from work, he was surprised and estatic to see that we were expecting another little bundle of joy !
— Hayley P. Barrie
We shared our baby news on Facebook on Valentines Day. Our then 4-year old son held the ultrasound picture with a BIG smile on his face. We announced it was a girl on May 4th (Star Wars Day) because we knew we would name her Laiyah (or Luke if it was a boy).
— Brittany | Edmonton, AB
My husband was gone on course for the past 18 months and we conceived our third child in Disney over Christmas holidays, so he found out over the phone. But when I found out we were expecting a boy (after two girls) I lied to him and told him baby three was a beautiful baby girl again! And kept the secret for a week while he completed his course.
When he finally came back I had my friend bake us a blue cake. My husband is slightly clueless and when he cut the cake all he said was wow cool cake it’s blue inside! It took another 10 minutes of cluelessness until I just blurted out we are exactly like modern family! And that’s when he clicked haha. He’s super excited now!
— Ashley P. | Barrie, ON
We found out that we were expecting in July 2014 with a due date of March 20th 2015. Unfortunately at 17 weeks I delivered our son. My 7 year old daughter was heartbroken. As the due date approached I knew it would be hard for her as well as for me. Amazingly I found out that I was pregnant again on March 17th, just 3 days before our son’s due date. I decided to give her a gift that would tell her a new baby was on the way on the 20th as a way of making the day easier for her. She was beyond happy! I wish I could post a video of her opening the gift. Her reaction was priceless. I am now almost 11 weeks and everything is going great. I plan to post the video as our announcment once I pass the 13 week mark. I would love to have had a heartbeat bear for my son but I only heard about them recently.
— Samantha S. | Barrie, ON
Our children were the only ones we told in a special way. I played a video of a recording of the baby’s heart beat taken at a prenatal appointment. I asked them what they thought it was. It was so cute when my 8-yr old realized what it was, she is over the moon excited.
— Heidi M. | Sydney Mines, NS
Announced with a ultrasound photo that we were expecting.
— Cassandra B. | Brampton, ON
I found out on March 12 that I was pregnant and I had no idea. I went for my ultrasound on the 19th of march that I was already 14 weeks pregnant! When we finally announced to family and friends they were all as suprised as we were because there were no signs. We are beyond excited to invite this new bundle of joy into our family.
— Katrina K. | Oshawa, ON
Surprised my mom on her birthday with the announcement of her third grand child. She said it was the best birthday present ever!
— Tanya P. | Edmonton, AB
I gave my 6-year old daughter a gift, and inside was a shirt that said “Keep Calm because i’m going to be a Big Sister” and threre was a framed pictures of the baby’s first ultrasound picture.. shes a very excited soon to be sister!
— Stephanie H. | St. John’s, NL
After suffering through 4 miscarriages, I was terrified to announce my pregnancy out of fear of losing the baby, so I didn’t announce until I was 20 weeks. We took a photo of our feet wearing shoes and put a little pair of baby shoes in the middle (pink to show the gender!!) We even included our dog’s feet in the photo, she is such a huge part of our family! We can’t wait to meet our little rainbow baby girl!
— Lindsay, Edmonton, AB
My husband and I live in Edmonton and my family is in Ontario and his in Nova Scotia. Since we couldn’t tell them in person we sent our moms a 6-picture frame with 2 pictures already in it. The first said “Only the Best mothers get promoted to Grandmother. Effective September 2015”. The other picture was our 8-week ultrasound picture. We put post-it notes in the remaining 4 slots indicating what the other pictures will/could be (including the 20 week ultrasound picture, picture with baby and grandma, picture with mom, dad, and baby, and picture of baby by her/himself). We mailed these off to them for a surprise gift. They absolutely loved it and were quite surprised and excited that the time has finally come (we had been married for 2.5 years by that point).
— Amber | Edmonton, AB
I posted a photo at 10 weeks on FB that says “I can’t keep calm, I’m having a baby” and then I created an album with ultrasound photos asking/telling everyone even though it was early in my pregnancy we needed all the support we can get, as this pregnancy has complications and is high risk. Considering my youngest is 10 years old people were quite surprised.
— Jennah M. | Ottawa, ON
We recently painted a chalkboard wall in my 4 year old son’s room. On that board we wrote: “Company: McDermid, Position: BIG brother, Status: HIRED, Proposed start date: October 2015″. We made him a T shirt that said “BIG BROTHER… IN TRAINING” and had him stand in front of the chalk board for a photo…we then sent the photo to all our family and friends. They loved it!!
— Lisa | Spruce Grove, AB
My husband and I were scheduled to go to Blue Mountain with friends for skiing in Jan 01, 2015. However before we left our house, I just thought of taking a pregnancy test because I was already delayed for 4 days. When I learned that I was pregnant, I told my husband about the good news. It was a moment that we were waiting for years. We still went to Blue Mountain with friends, however we decided not to ski anymore. I had a great quality time with my husband at the snow village on that New year’s day, with our baby. 🙂
— Genevieve G. | Georgetown, ON
We did the announcement on my dad-in-law’s birthday. We gave my husband’s parents and mine little boxes with baby stuff in it (onesie, socks, soother and bib). And we made them open it together at the same time. Their reaction were so priceless.
— Crizelle Y. | Surrey, BC
I was not quite ready to share the news with the world, but we took photos in Stanley Park and while I thought nobody could see anything, my friends were able to tell and started sending “Congratulations!” on Facebook. I was quite surprised!
— Olha L. | Vancouver, ON
I sent a picture of the clothing line with my husband’s shirt, my shirt and a baby onesie on the line. The caption read “The Laundry is going to be a whole lot Cuter this October”. I sent this picture to my close friends and family.
— Hilary B. | London, ON
My husband and I found out at 4 weeks that I was pregnant with our second child – which happened to be right before our first family vacation to Walt Disney World! As soon as we arrived at Disney, we bought a set of Mickey ears for each of us, and a mini set of ears for our new family member. We stood in front of the castle and the photographer took a family picture with the caption “Another set of ears will be joining our family October 2015”. It was a huge hit!
— Cindy T. | Edmonton, AB
This is our third baby and with our first two we didn’t find out what gender they were. We have 1 of each and decided to find out this time. After our anatomy appointment we took it to a bakery and got cupcakes. Our 4-year old son was so consumed with the cupcake that he almost forgot to look at the color of the filling. He was set on a brother but is now pretty happy to be getting another sister. We took a family picture and posted that for our friends who didn’t know yet.
— Trena E. | Stoney Creek, ON
We have been together for over 18 years, after trying we succeeded but ended up having a miscarriage. I drove myself crazy with all the test and procedures. Someone said to let nature take its course and maybe it will happen. Well at the end of February I found out I was pregnant. I had a couple scares but baby and Mommy are fine. I guess you should never loose hope cause a miracle is always waiting.
— Tammy R. | Bedford, NS
Ours was an epic fail! I had seen a picture somewhere where they had the youngest child in the crib, and a sign hanging from the crib with an eviction notice. So we of course thought how cute this would be!! Well we put the the baby in the crib and made a sign than said “Eviction Notice: Scarlett has until Aug 2015 to vacate the crib” and she even stuck her tongue out at the sign and we thought how perfect!!
Well when we printed the pictures off and gave them to all of our family not one person knew what was going on. My husband’s one uncle even said “Well that’s perfect Aug 2015 she will be 2, she should be out of of the crib by then”. We had to explain it to everyone and it totally lost the wow factor we were going for. Even still we couldn’t be more happy we have three girls at home and are told this is a boy!!! First boy in the whole family, so even if we failed at the announcement everyone is so happy there will finally be a boy in the family!!
— Crystal E. | London, ON
We put a t-shirt on my daughter that says “I’m a Big Sister” and got her to hold our ultrasound picture and posted it to Facebook. Everyone lost it!! We live far from family so this was a way to let everyone know 🙂
— Karen D. | Halifax, N
There was no surprising my spouse, he had a suspicion! Christmas was only a month away, so i really wanted to do something cute for our parents! Unfortunately that idea went down the drain when I went to the hospital with some bleeding and was told I had miscarried (with no real proof just a stupid doctor) – I called my mom when I got home and that’s how she found out. Husband did the same.
I got a 2nd opinion, was sent to the city for an ultrasound…hearing that tiny heartbeat was one of the best sounds ever.
— Tammy R. | Bedford, NS
I still wanted to do something cute and special and I discovered I had a surplus of Rudolph reindeer plushies…well close to Christmas why not! So I had a female reindeer (Clarice!), a larger Rudolph on one side representing my husband and I, then on the other side a slightly smaller rudoplh representing our 3 year old toddler. In the middle was a small reindeer plush and the words “Something very ‘Dear’ arriving July 2014!”
Lots of people loved it! Some had to do a double take haha.
— Amanda S. | Whitecourt
I announced to my husband that we were expecting our first child, with a Positive pregnancy test in my hand at 4am on the morning of his birthday. His response was… “That it was the best birthday gift ever!”
We then held our exciting announcement from our family until our Christmas Gatherings (which was two months after the birthday). We gave the Grandparents-to-be, a very beautiful wrapped parcel and in it was a copy of the first ultrasound in a picture frame that said ” The Best is yet to come”. It was something no one had expected and the excitement in everyone’s response was completely priceless.
A month after we had told everyone that we were expecting, we had revealed the gender of our baby. I had made a shirt that had a picture of a stick figure Baby Boy and read “I’m a BOY!” in the Bump area. We had sent pictures to all our Family and I had worn the shirt to work to reveal the gender to all my co-workers. Our final announcement, “The Birth” has been yet to be made as our due date is coming upon us in the end of June 2015.
— Rebecca C. | Cambridge, ON
We didn’t have a crazy announcement just told everyone one at a time when we saw family, then took a picture of my belly and posted it on Facebook saying “Baby Federici coming June 2015”
— Breanna F. | Abbotsford, BC
On easter weekend I paint eggs and on each egg I wrote “M” for mommy , “D” for daddy , “T” for Tyler (our 2-year old) and “B” for baby and shared it on Facebook saying “Mommy, Daddy, Tyler & Baby coming Sept 2015″
— Nicole | Beaverbank
We dressed our 4-year old son in his Mario costume and took a picture that said “Player Two pressing start November 2015.” We emailed the picture to family and then uploaded on Facebook.
— Allison S. | Fredericton
We announced our baby on Valentine’s day. I had a miscarriage in September so was nervous about letting everyone know. My amazing husband scheduled an ultrasound so I could confirm there was a little beating heart in my tummy. I was 14 weeks. When we announced I wrote a Valentine’s day card to our family who live out of town. We wrote: “This year we wanted to top all the rest, so we put our heads together and tried our best. This year we went beyond and above and got you another tiny heart to love.” On the back of the card was the ultrasound picture.
— Jessica G. | Shearwater, NS
We also went with the movie poster idea. We thought it was the most creative and fun way of sharing with our friends as it was going to be completely unexpected to them all.
— Leslie G. | Edmonton, AB
I am 13 weeks, I took a pregnancy test in the beginning of March and it came to be positive 3+ weeks, so I told my boyfriend but of coarse he knew I was already pregnant. I sort have figured because of the symptoms i was having. I told my sisters and that is all I told until we went for an ultrasound 4/28/2015 to determine how far along I was.. and it was sort of a surprise that I was that far along. I started to get sick when i was 5 weeks.. which was awful, But it was not as bad as my first pregnancy. When I told everybody they were excited, happy, joyful, I did not want to tell some people because I was afraid of their reaction.. My daughter is now 16 months, and I didn’t want anyone saying “so soon?” or “another one?” But I guessed wrong and got the reaction I really wanted :).
— Chasity S. | Edmonton, AB
After losing our last pregnancy at 5 months, then later that same year having a molar pregnancy we had to wait a year to try and conceive again. All our family was eager for us to start trying, but due to our previous history we decided not to tell them right away.
For Christmas 2014 all the kids decided to make the grandparents a book with photos of all their grandkids. We asked if we could wrap it up as its tradition that we wrap gifts up so they look like something completely different from what they are. Nobody thought anything of our request. At the very end of the book we put an ultrasound photo with the caption “Coming July 2015”.
All the family gathered around to watch the grandparents open the gift, they went through each page slowly looking at each photo, my husband and I had to act normal throughout the long painful 5 minutes. Finally when they got to the end the room went quiet and all the sudden there was a burst of gasp, cries, tears, chairs fly back from everyone jumping out of them, congratulations, and lots of hugs.
— Angela M. | Winnipeg, MB
I dressed up my 2 year old daughter in a bakers costume and she held a cinnamon bun in her hand with a sign saying, “Mommy has a Bun in the Oven”. It was too cute and Daddy along with all our family members were very surprised.
— Jennifer V. | Conception Bay South, NL
This was the birth announcement that I posted on Facebook for family and friends.
To all our family and friends that have been patiently awaiting this announcement for the last 3 weeks and to all those who had no idea………….Charles and I are very excited and proud to announce the arrival of our very precious, beautiful and very strong baby boy.
Colton Jacob Allan St.Cyr graced us with his presence on Valentine’s Day at 11:29 pm. He weighted in at 6lbs 8.4ozs and measured 20 inches long. We are finally home and getting settled after he needed open heart surgery in Edmonton at only 5 1/2 days old!
Our little man is so strong and resilient as he recovered quicker than anticipated and even astonished all the medical staff with his daily health improvements!!
Thank you all for your support and well wishes during these last few weeks.
Our son has a heart condition known as Transposition of the Great Arteries and was flown to Edmonton 13 hours after birth and had open heart surgery at 5 1/2 days old.
— Jamie Z. | Winnipeg, MB
My son who is 18months wore a knitted hat saying “Thing 1” and we had another hat made so sit beside him on the floor saying “Thing 2” and did a photoshoot of him! It was adorable! We also did a gender reveal and painted daddy’s hands pink and our son’s hands blue and then I wore a white shirt and they both put their hands on my belly and we black and whited the photo and only showed the BLUE hand prints! :) I am still not far along only 4 months!! Can’t wait to come to UC Baby to see my baby! Did it with the first son and so excited to do it again! I would LOVE to win as we are a young family with not much to spend! 🙂
— Dara E. | Sherwood Park, AB
I created Easter egg surprises for all of our close friends and family! I very carefully poked a small hole in the top and bottom of 8 raw eggs, and one by one blew the yolk out of each of them until they were hollow (phew!). I think rinsed them and coloured them robins egg blue, baby pink, purple, etc. and allowed them to dry overnight. From there, I wrote on tiny scroll-like papers, “A boy or a girl, we can’t really say. One thing is for sure..a baby is on the way! Congratulations Grandma (Grandpa, Aunt, Uncle, etc.) baby can’t wait to meet you. October 2015”.
I then rolled the scrolls up very tightly and managed to fit them into the coloured eggs that I then wrapped in tiny gift boxes with fake grass and a note that said “Crack me”. Our family members LOVED them so much, most of them still have the scroll, the broken egg shell and the tiny note inside the box they received it in. We have videos of each of them opening their surprise and their reactions are priceless.
For our social media reveal, my significant other and myself staged and took the following photo ourselves in our bedroom (after eating all of the’s all empty wrappers) and had a close friend do the text edits. The above photo is our social media posting which has gotten over 1,000 likes on Facebook, Instagram, Reddit and others alike. I hope you enjoy!
— Kelsey R. | Guelph, ON
I announced my baby on Easter by placing a folded up piece of paper inside an plastic Easter egg and having my 22 month old give it to her grandmother!! 🙂 She was so surprised she cried!
— Amy S. | Dartmouth
We told our parents by giving them a picture of us standing in front of a clothes line full of onesies. My mother-in-law was speechless, she didn’t say a word for the rest of the night. The next morning she took out all the baby clothes that she had been saving from when my hubby was a baby. She’s been excited about being a grandmother ever since!
— Natasha H. | St. John’s, NL
My husband announced to me he is going to be a dad. He insisted on doing my pregnancy test, so he was the first who saw the result and said to me: “My love, we are having a baby!” 🙂
— Yana K. | Montreal, QC
When I found out I was pregnant I took 4 tests lol I was so happy so me and my hubby decided to tell our son on his 7th birthday. He was so happy and he told family by saying he’s going to be a big brother and knowing the gender he said his wish came true.
— Anna M. | New Westminster
We went for our dating ultrasound at 6wk and ended up seeing 2 sacs!!! We couldn’t believe our eyes!!! At 9wk they confirmed 2 heart beats and 2 little babies!!! We called all the family in tears of excitement to announce we were having TWINS – our 2 other children held signs up that said “We asked for 2+1 but God laughed and gave us 2+2!!!! We’re over the moon excited for this journey!
— Alicia B. | Edmonton
We have two girls already so we took two pictures and I changed my fb cover pic to the girls sitting with signs oldest had sign saying “Big Sister”, current baby had sign saying little crossed out and middle written in above sister. Other picture was of all of our rain boots plus a baby pair with a note saying “New Puddle Jumper Aug 27 2015.
— Shawna S. | Surrey, BC
I found out I was pregnant on November 28, 2015. And on Christmas Eve I came out to my whole family about my pregnancy. They were super shocked and surprised. I recently found out I’m having a girl as well 🙂
— Jessica W. | Saskatoon, SK
My sister had died almost a year before my parents found out I was pregnant – we wrapped up a onesie and had my mom open it. She looked really confused at first, she thought it was an outfit for their dog, but then super excited once she realized what we had given her.
— Michelle R. | Ottawa, ON
I went to the doctor’s by myself. I went to the store after I found out and bought 3 , “Its a BOY!” for our three children. I came home and made Blue milkshakes! They were shocked hubby said he knew haha.
— Tiffany N. | Lake Charlotte, NS
My husband and I decided to announce to the family by having custom-made onesies with the family member’s name first and then “baby” after (i.e. Nana’s Baby). Then at my birthday pretended that the small gifts were for me from my husband but required the help of the family members to open and “put together” before giving it to me. When they opened them at the same time, they realized what they were and all started screaming and crying. It was the best Birthday gift I could have ever asked for – my first baby and a room full of LOVE!
— Paula | Ajax, ON
For our first, I had been stockpiling diapers for a couple months before we even got pregnant. We released the picture of the nursery room closet full of diapers and wipes with the caption *We’re letting this one out of the closet. We are having a baby!*
–– Lindsay A. | Abbotsford, BC
We just told close family at first, until I was 12 weeks then started shouting from the rooftops (social media and phone calls). We found out early (1 week) as I have difficult pregnancies sickness). And wanted to keep a little more quiet.
— Thyra S. | Bedford, NS
My Husband and I had been trying for a year to have a baby. Doctors were telling me I would have a very hard time with it and was about to take fertility drugs. We started looking into adoption to take pressure off of us. What do you know Baby was being conceived during this time and We found out a week before Christmas that we were pregnant!. That same week I went into the hospital for intense sharp pains on my left side. My sister in law was convinced I was having an ectopic pregnancy. Fear rushed throughout my body and I went with her to get checked. 12 hours and 3 ultrasounds later I was sent home and told to visit with the specialist later that week. On Christmas EVE! My husband and I sat there in the chair waiting to hear what the DR had to say. When he told us everything was okay and that the embryo was in the uterus, we couldn’t wait to tell our family on Christmas morning. We wrapped up frames with a poem enclosed. “I do not have a face to see, Or put inside a frame. I do not have soft cheeks to kiss, I don’t yet have a name. You can’t yet hold my tiny hands, Nor whisper in my ear. It’s still too soon to sing a song, Or cuddle me so near. But all will change come August, That’s when they say I’m due”. It was truly our Christmas Miracle!
— Kajal D. | Surrey, BC
How we announced we are having twins, we had our 2 year old son come out with a sign that said “I asked for a baby and know what they did, I am going to be a BIG BROTHER not to one but two, due September 2015”.
— Trisha K. | Keswick, ON
Me and my hubby went for dinner 2 days after his birthday for a birthday dinner and I didn’t feel good went home walk to 711 for candy but I didn’t want any he thought something was wrong with me so we bought 2 tests got home both came out positive and he didn’t believe me so we went to the only place that was open on a Sunday got 3 more tests all came out positive I was 5 weeks pregnant we were so surprised it took over a year didn’t think it would happen now are daughter is 18 months and healthy.
— Danielle | Winnipeg, MB
Waited till Easter Sunday and made a sign that said “EGG-SPECTING our 4th little chick” with a big Easter egg that said “Hatching in October” took a picture with my 3 children holding it then posted on Facebook.
— Tammy S. | Pefferlaw, ON
Well we were suppose to get married on July 11th. And had to surprise everyone with changing the wedding date because our baby is due July 13th which is also my mothers birthday!!!
— Katlyn G. | Sydney, NS
We have three little girls (Molly, Ava, and Sophia) and really wanted to get them involved in our new baby announcement. We dressed them in matching ‘Best Sister Ever’ shirts and had them hold a large chalkboard with this saying: “There once were three, but now there will be four. Sophia won’t be the baby anymore!” Three little girls are such a treasure. Baby Gallant is due in September!”
We announced at 12 weeks!
— Megan G. | Neguac, NB
My boyfriend’s mom passed away and from that moment he believed is when she started looking out for us and little things started happening. Her 2 granddaughters were her world. So when Jennifer ended up surprisingly pregnant with her third we were thrilled and knew it was her doing. Then i ended up surprisingly pregnant, and the third Nichole ended up surprisingly pregnant! So sitting down to tell Chris’ father he was going to get 3 grandchildren this year was a blessing after the tragedy of losing Janis to cancer. We cant help but feel its all beacuse of her up there!
— Sara W. | St. John’s, NL
After trying for years to get pregnant and lots of disappointment , we finally found an amazing fertility doctor who made our dream come true for a second time through IVF. It was such a journey with lots of up and many more downs but once we knew our little bean was safe we had to shout our exciting news from the highest mountain top!!!
We invited our family over and made the announcement via an ultrasound picture!!! Needless to say there was lots of cheers and tears of happiness. Dreams do come true!!!
— Karen M. | Cambridge, ON
It was my dad’s birthday and I was planning on having a few drinks with him as this would of been the first time we drink together, and my boyfriend had suggested I take a pregnancy test as I was a few days late for my period and of course, the test of positive! I had taken the test when my dad went and took a shower and when he came downstairs, my boyfriend said “Happy Birthday” and showed him the test. No drinking for me that’s for sure haha
— Brenda C. | Iroquois Falls
With my second pregnancy we had a shirt custom-made for our daughter that read “I’m going to be a big sister January 2014”. We got together with family and after we all ate I told my daughter I needed to change her shirt because she got it dirty. So I slipped on the big sister one and then we went to my mother in law and I told her that my daughter is wearing a cute new shirt and she has to read it. So she did and she instantly got it “I’m going to be… A big sister… January…. Oh my gosh shut up!!” And then got really excited and everyone knew. Then we posted a picture on Facebook of her wearing the shirt.
This time around was pretty much the same. I bought my daughter and son big brother and sister shirts and posted a picture of them wearing them saying “These 2 Have a Secret!” Everyone got excited 🙂
— Melissa J. | Winnipeg, MB
After several years of trying, we finally became pregnant with our second baby, when it was safe, we made our public announcement with a picture of our 5 year old son reading What to Expect when You’re Expecting. He is peeking over the book with a happy surprised look, and the caption read “I’m going to be a big brother!!”
— Candy M. | Sydney
I just announced my 2nd pregnancy on the 19th of April 2015, I bought my son a tshirt that said “Only child expiring November 2015” the picture is epic cute because of the look on my son’s face.
— Baillie S. | Winnipeg, MB
We were TTC for 11 months, finally got a positive test and started bleeding a week later, was scared we would lose that baby at that point. Rushed to the hospital only to find out everything is fine, was scheduled for an appointment at the early pregnancy unit for two weeks later at which time we were told I was carrying a healthy TWIN* pregnancy!!! Now 14 weeks along, everything is going good. We are truly blessed! 🙂
— Taneesha E. | London, ON
I was so scared to tell my parents I was pregnant. I ended up putting a baby rattle in an egg-shaped decorative box . I handed them the box as a gift for Easter this year. Mom and step dad are now super excited to be first time grandparents.
— Hannah Y. | PEI
My husband loves wrestling and this is our second pregnancy. I wanted to do something really special to tell him I was pregnant. I had always seen neat ways of spouses sharing the big news but I wanted to come up with something neat and something of my own so I took into consideration the fact that he loves wrestling and incorporated that! I told him one day after he came home from work that I had come up with a script for him to read for his wrestlers just like they have in wrestling. He read it and didn’t pick up on the fact that when the script wrote “Kee + Dynn are pregnant” we were really pregnant. It took him awhile… Some flipping through the pages to figure out and let it click in… It was a very funny and creative way of doing it and it definatley surprised him:)
— Dyniesha | Beaumont, AB
After years of struggling with infertility, we finally had our positive. But my hubby was out of town working so I had 4 agonizing days of keeping the news to myself until he got home. Our fur babies are our kids so I knew they had to help me tell daddy the amazing news. I made each dog a bandana…one pink & one blue…with Big Bro & Big Sis written on them for when he came home. However, as he opened the door and saw the dogs his response “did you get the dogs groomed?” Uhhhh nope. So I told him to read the bandanas, which he did…out loud. His next statement “ahhhh cute”. Now what?! Yup that’s my genius hubby lol So plan b was put into effect…as he was down playing with the dogs I held up the positive test. He looked up and ta-da! The lightbulb went on and his jaw hit the floor. Many tears & hugs followed. He then spent the next few hours wandering the house, holding the test, saying “oh my god…this is AWESOME”. Best day of our lives…so far…
— Jamie P. | Edmonton, AB
Easter morning I had t-shirts made for the kids. My oldest sons says “I’m gonna be a big brother again”, middle says “I’m gonna be a big sister again” and youngest says “I’m gonna be a big brother”... After the kids knew from reading the t shirts I video taped them and told everyone else this way.
— Heather D. | Sudbury
On December 22 I found out I was pregnant. I made the announcement on January 26th with the video of my babies first ultrasound. Then on Februray 10th I had to change my announcement to “Expecting Twins” biggest and happiest surprise ever! — Tara B. | Wahnapitae
I didn’t get a chance to really announce, as soon as my Mom found out she called everyone 🙂 — Helen F. | Whitby, ON
I found out we were expecting our second child when my husband was away for a week so I waiting impatiently until he got home and had our toddler in a “Promoted to Big Brother” shirt. It took him well over an hour to notice and when he did notice he just so happened to be in the middle of being interrupted in the bathroom by our toddler. I hear “IS THIS A JOKE? ARE YOU SERIOUS?” Definitely won’t forget that moment!
— Olivia P. | Moncton
We waited awhile to tell people because we’ve had a few miscarriages. We took two pictures of our daughter looking in the oven then one of her looking confused, then wrote “Mom said there was a bun in the oven but I sure don’t see anything“. D
— Brittany H. | Gander, NL
At work we are all really close like a big family and one day I went to work and called a meeting first thing in the morning and since I’m in charge of the lottery at work and normally I wouldn’t call a meeting some people thought we maybe won something but instead they got the news that I was expecting. Not the news they were hoping for but definitely happy news for everyone!
— Melissa M. | Prince Albert
We got a shirt for our toddler to wear that says “Only child expiring November 2015! In the back it had 2 minions holding hands.
— Kristina Z. | Ile-Perrot, Quebec
Sent a text of a picture of a chalkboard with announcement: “Our Family is Growing by 2 Feet & 1 Heart”
— Catherine H. | Halifax, N.S.
After 4 yrs of struggling to conceive and the journey of infertility I will never forget the word PREGNANT popping up on that test. It was January 4th 2015 @7am we had been up until 2am. I was 10 days passed ovulation and going to test that day for another ttc friend I met online who was having her embryos transferred that day. I used a test strip I bought online. Negative. Ok could still be early. I knew I had 2 digital tests out in the bedroom- but hubby was there. … so I snook them under my pj’s and back in I went- I had to make up a fib as to what I was doing!!! Within 45 seconds it appeared PREGNANT. I internally freaked out 4 years of NOTHING. We somehow beat the odds and our xmas wish came true. (Literally) I ran and jumped on hubby burying my face in him and just hugged him (I think he thought it was another negative month because I always buried myself in him when it was a negative month)….. Next I went running through the house to find a birthday gift bag (hubby’s birthday was 4 days away.) My phone was going nuts because I posted a picture of my test in all my fertility groups!!! I found a bag. Next I started ripping out all my xmas stuff that I had just packed away searching for tissue paper! Done. I go wake up my kids (from previous marriage) & my niece because i have a special early bday gift for Kyle! I get my phone ready and ask my son to record. We take the gift bag into the bedroom where hubby is snuggling up with my youngest. It was bittersweet. After feeling around he knew what it was so he wouldn’t open it. Silly guy. So my 7yr old did. She looks at the tests and confusingly says “Pregnant?” I ask her what that means and she screams out while kicking her feet “YOU’RE HAVING A BABY” It was amazing! 🙂 we have it all on video!
— Lori S. | Cambridge, ON
We found out what the gender of our baby was and had a friend make a cake. It was decorated in pink and blue flowers and it said “What will it bee” with a bumble bee on top. When we cut into the cake it was blue inside to tell our family we were having a boy! We shared the pictures on facebook for our friends as well. It was a really neat way to share our happy news!
— Jennifer W. | Oshawa, ON
I was told that I would have a hard time getting pregnant because of my health. My fiance and I were always careful when having physical contact even with the fact of knowing I may not have experienced it. One day my friend had to take a pregnancy test for herself and when she was done it came back negative. Joking around I asked her if I could pee on the other one she had just for fun. Next thing I knew I was staring at a plus sign for about 5 minutes before she asked me what was taking so long. I opened the bathroom door and started to cry as I showed her what the test said. We couldn’t believe it so we ran to the store and bought like 4 more boxes and peed on all of them. I then decided it was time to call my fiance and he thought it was a joke until later that night when he came home and saw for his own eyes. We booked a blood test the next day and sure enough two days later I got the phone call that made us feel so blessed for this miracle. We told our parents that same day and everyone was just so excited for us even though we weren’t married yet. I am now 6 months pregnant and the happiest I have ever been. We moved the wedding to next year and are just focusing on becoming the best parents we could be.
— Victoria C. | Vaughan, ON
Our current baby was suprise 3rd baby! So to tell my husband I went straight to our local baby store after seeing the postive test and purchased a soother, I put it in a little gift box with the note saying ‘You will likely be needing this in 9 months time!’ I also placed the positive test in the bottom of the box. I then headed straight to my husbands work and called him telling him there was something really important I needed to tell him. He came rushing out and I gave him the gift box. Puzzled he opened it and read the note and had a big smile on his face! ‘I knew you were pregnant he said’. Guess he had a sixth sense! We are both so excited for our suprise baby and so are the baby’s older brother & sister!
— Amy B. | Calgary, AB
The day we found out I was pregnant it was so unexpected. We were at a friend’s house and I mentioned to her that I was late, right away she made me get in her vehicle and off to the store to get a test. Since I couldn’t wait till we get back to her place we stopped at their local A&W and I went in to use the washroom. I waited the time I needed and looking down expecting it to be negative like all the test before this, it had a very faint positive. I ran out of the bathroom, over to my friend and whispered in her ear that it was positive. She started yelling for joy as everyone in the restaurant stared. I was so shakey. I couldn’t wait to tell my partner and that once faint positive, just kept getting darker over time.
— Tiffany H. | Abbotsford, BC
After 6 years of trying, 2 surgeries, 3 failed artificial inseminations we had given up. In early December my sister convinced me to take a test because she was sure I was pregnant. As soon as the positive appeared (instantly) I said this test is broken! We need to go buy another. Off to the pharmacy we go (I’m in denial and not sharing this with my hubby because I don’t want to hurt his feelings when the next test is negative). I do 3 more tests (all POSITIVE). Ok…I’m definitely pregnant. I bought 2 Christmas tree ornaments – a mom-to-be and best dad – I waited for him to get off work. He went straight into the room and flopped on the bed so I go in the room and stand over him. I say “look what I bought today”. He stares at them and nothing is clicking, he’s just dumbfounded I think so I haul out the positive tests and say “they go with these!” It finally clicks! He’s like “really! Is that real”. We’re currently 26 weeks with our first baby and it happened naturally and spontaneously after being told that was impossible.
— Megan F. | Mount Pearl, NL