UC Baby Oct Blog Pregnancy Facts

Pregnancy is truly an incredible journey filled with unique changes and surprises. As a woman experiences this magical time, her body undergoes remarkable transformations that most of us aren’t even aware of.

Here are some wonderful and weird pregnancy facts that most of us do not even know about.

Only 5% of babies are born on their due dates.

1. Did you know the average length of pregnancy is 280 days? That’s approximately 40 weeks or nine months!

2. But wait, there’s an extraordinary exception! The longest recorded pregnancy lasted a mind-boggling 375 days. Can you imagine carrying a baby for over a year?

3. Here’s something astonishing: only 5% of babies are born on their due dates. So much for precise scheduling!

4. During pregnancy, a woman’s body gains a minimum of 6.6 liters (or about 1.7 gallons) of fluid to support the growth and development of the baby.

5. While many assume that weight gain during pregnancy is solely associated with the baby, it actually constitutes just around 38%. The rest includes the placenta, amniotic fluid, blood volume increase, and additional fat acquired in the breasts and uterus.

6. Age plays a role too! Women over the age of 35 are more likely to have twins compared to younger women.

7. Multiple births have seen an increase of more than 40% in the last decade alone—a trend that continues to rise.

8. Picture this: during pregnancy, an average woman’s uterus expands up to 500 times its standard size by the time she gives birth!

9. Have you noticed some changes in skin tone during pregnancy? You’re not alone! Approximately 90% of pregnant women experience darker skin coloration, which fades after giving birth.

10. Here’s another surprising change: foot size can increase during pregnancy. Hormonal changes can cause ligaments to loosen, resulting in a more noticeable arch and potentially larger feet.

11. Pregnancy brings about an incredible boost in blood volume, increasing it by approximately 40-50%. This significant change also leads to an enlargement of the heart during this remarkable time.

12. Ladies, beware of cramps! Low magnesium or calcium levels can be the culprits behind uncomfortable muscle spasms during pregnancy.

13. Feeling hot? Well, pregnancy raises your body temperature slightly, making you feel warmer than usual.

14. Ah, the notorious back pain! Over 50% of pregnant women experience backaches as their bodies adjust to the extra weight and shifting center of gravity.

15. Interestingly enough, most twins are born in Central Africa—a fascinating cultural phenomenon!

16. Surprise! It’s not just moms-to-be who may experience symptoms; partners can also have sympathetic reactions such as weight gain or morning sickness.

17. Would you believe that babies cry even before they’re born? Research suggests that babies start communicating through crying while still in the womb.

18. Cravings come in all shapes and sizes—literally! Some pregnant women develop pica cravings and desire non-food items like soap, paper, or stones.

19. Believe it or not, it is possible for a pregnancy to last over a year due to certain medical conditions—but thankfully, this is extremely rare!

20. A fun fact for mothers suffering from heartburn: studies suggest that there might be a correlation between heartburn during pregnancy and giving birth to a baby with lots of hair on its tiny head!

21. Here’s one for tall ladies: research indicates that taller women have a higher chance of conceiving twins than their shorter counterparts.

22. Brace yourself for cuteness overload—some babies are born with teeth already present. Imagine that toothy grin on a brand-new little one!

23. Your heart grows right along with your baby bump during pregnancy. It adapts to the increased blood volume and overall changes in your cardiovascular system.

24. Did you know that pregnancy can even affect your voice? Hormonal changes may cause some women’s voices to become deeper or huskier during this special time temporarily.

25. A mother’s voice is a powerful connection, even before birth! Babies can hear their mother’s voice from inside the womb, creating an early bond between mother and child.

26. Unfortunately, some pregnant women develop gestational diabetes, a condition characterized by high blood sugar levels during pregnancy. Proper management ensures a healthy outcome for both mom and baby.

27. As if the changes weren’t enough, pregnancy also causes joints to loosen up due to hormonal fluctuations—making flexibility more prevalent than ever.

28. Have you noticed any peculiar changes in your sense of smell? Pregnancy hormones can heighten or alter your olfactory senses, making sensitivity or new aromas more noticeable.

29. Here’s an interesting phenomenon: some pregnant women start lactating when they hear a baby crying, even if it’s not their own. Talk about the power of maternal instinct!

30. Believe it or not, babies in the womb can taste certain foods that their mother consumes. Flavors from spicy foods, sweet treats, and even garlic can make their way into the amniotic fluid and be detected by the developing baby.

31. Contrary to popular belief, a pregnant woman only needs around 300 extra calories per day compared to her pre-pregnancy intake. It’s all about quality over quantity when nourishing both mom and baby.

32. Wondering what determines the sex of your baby? It all boils down to the sperm that fertilizes the egg. If it carries an X chromosome, you’ll have a girl; if it carries a Y chromosome, you’ll have a boy.

33. Here’s an incredible fact: all the eggs a woman will ever produce are already present in her ovaries before she is even born! In contrast, men do not start producing sperm until puberty.

34. Time is of the essence when it comes to conception: while an ovum (egg cell) can only survive for approximately 24 hours after ovulation, sperm can live up to 5 days in fertile-quality cervical fluid—increasing chances for fertilization.

35. Last but certainly not least, did you know that the female ovum (egg cell) is considered the largest cell in the human body? On the other hand, male sperm cells are infinitesimally smaller—it takes roughly 175,000 sperm cells combined to equal the weight of a single egg cell.


Myths About Pregnancy

Now that we’ve explored these fascinating pregnancy insights together, let’s debunk some common myths surrounding this magical journey.

Pregnancy Myth #1: You can’t exercise while pregnant.

In reality, exercise during pregnancy is highly beneficial for both mom and baby! Of course, it is essential to consult with your healthcare provider before continuing or starting any new exercise routine. Once you have their approval, feel free to maintain your usual activities while avoiding anything strenuous like holding your breath or excessive bouncing or stretching. Remember, exercise can help improve overall health, support mental well-being, and prepare you for childbirth.

Pregnancy Myth #2: Morning sickness only occurs in the mornings.

Contrary to its name, morning sickness can strike at any time of the day or night. The infamous nausea and vomiting commonly associated with pregnancy are not limited to just mornings. Hormonal changes throughout the day can trigger these symptoms, leaving many women feeling queasy during various times of the day.

Pregnancy Myth #3: Creams and serums can prevent stretch marks.

While some creams may help fade stretch marks over time, no miracle cream can completely remove them. Stretch marks occur when the skin stretches rapidly during pregnancy due to weight gain and a growing baby bump. Embracing these beautiful marks as part of your journey is more empowering than trying to erase them.

In conclusion, pregnancy is a remarkable experience filled with wonders, both big and small. From the incredible transformations within a woman’s body to surprising facts about fetal development, every aspect of this journey showcases the awe-inspiring nature of life itself. Whether you’re expecting or fascinated by the miracle of pregnancy, these fascinating facts will leave you appreciating just how extraordinary this stage of life truly is.


31 surprising things you may not know about pregnancy

10 Myths About Pregnancy We All Believed


Written by: Melissa Ureten and Donna Costa

Check out our blog  – Third Trimester: Your Body at 28 Weeks Pregnant