All posts by: Donna

About Donna

COVID-19 has shown us that our frontliners are our heroes. These are the healthcare workers who have all been working tirelessly and selflessly to serve and protect the community. UC BABY would like to extend our appreciation to the frontliners. We want you to know that we appreciate and support you.

Breast milk is nature’s way of providing the best nutrition to a new born. The American Academy of Paediatrics recommends exclusive breastfeeding to babies for the first six months after birth. There are a number of reasons why mothers should breastfeed their babies, some more important than others.

Pregnancy is often a time of joy and excitement; yet with so much information to consider, moms-to-be can feel very overwhelmed! Use these tips to stay calm and healthy throughout your pregnancy. Always remember to stay rested!

Pregnancy is an interesting experience. You will go through a lot of body changes during the course of pregnancy. Here are some of the changes you can expect: